Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Hope The Gods See My Soul

I have applied to the University of Chicago, a school that I believe that I was born to go to. I am very nervous about getting accepted, and I will find out on Demeber 15th. I am doing my best to channel that nervous energy into creative energy, but nervous energy (Ne) > potential creative energy (PCe) says the Hillman law of nervous creative energy. I am doing my best to "hang in there" but I am rather nervous, I am not going to lie. Here are the fruits of labours.

I Hope The Gods See My Soul

I see not the logic in this lunacy,
This flawed system of ranking.

How inefficient we humans are,
Demeaning ourselves into a set of numbers,
Where the subtlest of differences sets us apart.

We are not living creatures to the gods!
We are merely faceless letters and numbers.

Why don’t they see our souls?
They only see poor indicators of ourselves!

Am I to be judged by these faulty marks?
Under an über-secrative criterion?

How faulty is this process!
What this does to our sanity!

Are my scores pleasing to these divine beings?
Only time will tell, if I have survived this criterion.

But how much more than these indicators I am!
I am a writer and a scholar and a mind.
I am not just a mindless, faceless, page of scores.
I cannot help but feel that this process is pedantic and donnish,
And given the chance I would alter this touchstone
So that the heavenly minds would see the heart and soul of the mortal,
And I fear that the Status Quo may not reflect that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you get in?

11:22 AM  
Blogger Brian Hillman said...

nope, rejected. it hurt too much to write about it. im trying to transfer though.

11:51 AM  

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