Monday, January 23, 2006

An Extremely Brief Look at the Big Bang: Part One

The current picture of the universe is one that had emerged from an approximately golf ball sized parcel of matter to explode into what is today our universe. All this occurred about fourteen billion years ago, and the universe has been expanding ever since. In the early moments (relatively) of the universe the planets began to form, and our current planet began to take shape around five to six billion years ago. Yet from this model there are some serious questions. The greatest and most perplexing is the ‘first cause’ question. How did the ball get there? The next question is why did it explode? Science has no answer to this only that it existed and it exploded.

This leads to a few other questions that must be addressed. The first of which, did the constants of nature (to borrow a phrase from Professor John D. Barrow) sort themselves out after the Bang, or are they the only constants that make sense in the universe. Some of the more important physical constants are α, ħ, G, and c to name a few. It could be argued that G is not a constant, but another essay, another time. But for the constants, would the universe function if α were two digits larger in the eightieth decimal place? One is inclined to say no, but a concrete answer is far from known. So, did the Big Bang breed these constants, or are these the only sets of numbers that will make the universe functional? I do not know the answer, but I am inclined to say that maybe a change in an insignificant decimal place will not affect the structure of the universe, but if G were larger in say the tenths place, life may not be able to exist on Planet Earth. The main question from this paragraph is are the constants concrete in the universe?

If the constants are concrete, who decided them? I will assume it was not Carrot Top, but if not him, then who did? Did God decide that Plank’s Constant had to be around 10-34? The short answer is we will never know, but it is worth investigating.

In this too brief for my liking (I am pressed for time and I desperately want to post something) post, the Big Bang model of the universe has begun to be investigated, and the question of if the Bang brought the constants to their final resting amounts, or if an intelligent being did, or randomness made the constants what they are. I intend to write much more on the subject but first I need more time and knowledge.


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