Some Orders of Business
Last night I was contemplating the state of some of my poems. I realize that many of them are not completed, and some of the better ones will be submitted for future publishing. I have more than a handful of poems that I have finished, but have not blogged. At this point, I am taking off some of my poems, to edit them and publish them later on my blog, or (ideally) in another form. If you actually read this and would like to read them, inquire within.
If you have any suggestions for poems or poetry to read, please inform me; if not, enjoy my poetry and essays, or just laugh at my lack of skill. If you are a college admissions person hoping to see if I actually use this blog for the intellectual pursuits that I expressed in my applicaiton; partially for that reason I left some of my poems on this blog, but I still want to save and perfect some of my best works. But fear not, I still plan to use this to share my works with the world.
If you have any suggestions for poems or poetry to read, please inform me; if not, enjoy my poetry and essays, or just laugh at my lack of skill. If you are a college admissions person hoping to see if I actually use this blog for the intellectual pursuits that I expressed in my applicaiton; partially for that reason I left some of my poems on this blog, but I still want to save and perfect some of my best works. But fear not, I still plan to use this to share my works with the world.